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One thing I forgot!

I meant to do this in the previous post, but I forgot! Anyways, I wanted to address one book that I find is a fantastic book!
Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater: This book is an awesome book. Period. Why you may ask? Well with the whole supernatural craze going on in the media today, it's really hard to get into some decent books that do deal with supernatural subject matter. The reason why I loved Shiver (and I mean loved) was because Sam is NOT a werewolf. He's just a regular wolf, the reason I loved this aspect in the book is because it is 1000000000 times more believable than someone turning into a vampire (yes I do know that realistically both of these ideas are impossible). However I feel that the way Stiefvater creates Sam's peculiarity is fantastic, also I love, love, love the fact that the two main characters did not just "fall in love at first sight" like in some other supernatural books that are out there (which incidentally I do happen to like), but this love story has developed over years. Also the fact that Grace falls for Sam while he is a wolf... even more iron clad! I definitely say give this a read, it is unlike a lot of the Vampire/Werewolf/Witch books you will find out there.

Also if you just absolutely LOVE books about Vampires, check out the Vampire Academy books, or the first FOUR Vampire Diaries books. Those are my suggestions for the good reads in that type of genre!

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